Sunday, March 24, 2019

Contrary Brin

Here is a sample 'post'.  And Brin doesn't just post, he researches and creates and prescribes exhaustively.

Do not get the idea that this article is some kind of fluke of genius for him.  He is absolutely on the top of the news, thinks about this stuff very deeply, and has very little to lose by saying what he likes.

Brin, way, way back, explained myself to me, why I am a knee-jerk libertarian / anarchist yet have this deep belief that civilization would ultimately prevail.  I have long been leery of any beliefs, and it was a great relief to finally be steered to the facts and reasoning that put my assumptions on a solid basis.

He did this is any number of ways, mostly by reminding me that a civically-minded PhD physicist that is also very successful writer can have a lot of skill in SYNTHESIZING what he knows into new conclusions.  I do my very best to emulate his methods, and that's 'easy'; I just go back 30 years ago to my first year of college, where I finally learned how to think critically...and then decided to learn everything.  Work in Progress....

He and Steven Pinker have taught me the libertarianism isn't bad, just technologically premature: a lover of liberty MUST realize that until we have the cultural maturity and the communications capability to broadcast and enforce a personal social contract, we must content ourselves with the best of European Socialism/New Deal/Green Deal liberalism.  Our day will come: the days of thuggish oligarchs are numbered, and we need to give government the chance to kill them off permanently and inject our culture with the institutions we will need to squash any rebirth of them.  After that we can worry about the 'withering of the state'.

We've gotta put all this pressure we can on the oligarchs now, or we are going to exchange a 2020 for a 2050 fight, or worse.  But we must do this within the law, and with patience.  AOC is just one gal, but she's doing our thing within the law.

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Greetings.... the Sept DSA meeting will be at 12pm on Sunday the 15th.... at George and Dro's Place 707 NW10th Street... there...