Saturday, January 26, 2019

Weekly DSA news


Andrea and Dro are asking for new agenda items for the next meeting, so please contact them by email (or bother 'Drea at the GP) if you have something in particular.  Read the 'minutes' here: stimulate your memory.

A bunch of us should be attending the EOC3 Annual Meeting. This is at BMCC (2nd floor of Umatilla Hall) from 10AM to 1PM January 26th.  Anybody want a followup after at the GP?

Lastly...George and I are still looking for more Zinn books, let us know if you want one.  I am also making some progress with the old inspirational VHS tapes George gave me to trans-code to digital; I will have a list of what I have, and download links for them, as I finish them.

'Color Consciousness' is the first video I'm working on; when I have more details on the provenance of this production I'll post them.  Many, many interviews of African-Americans, by an A-A, on how they saw this issue back in the 70's and 80's.

(Pat Struthers)

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Greetings.... the Sept DSA meeting will be at 12pm on Sunday the 15th.... at George and Dro's Place 707 NW10th Street... there...